This post is part of the "Advice for Law School Series." This series of posts contains advice and opinions from current and former students at BYU Law School, and the ideas represented herein are not the official views or positions of BYU Law School.
Click on the names below to read their advice for successfully completing 1L year.
Advice from Bryson King, 2L

What three pieces of advice would you give a 1L?
1. Consider how important your choice to attend BYU Law really is. Not only will you receive a legal education that is admired in a national arena of law schools, practitioners, and legal academics, but you will carry the name of the BYU Law School with you wherever you go. That name will create opportunities for you to succeed in and advance your professional career that might not have been available had you not come to this school. Consider as well, however, that with those opportunities comes the responsibility to honor the name of the school you represent. Your future associates and colleagues may expect more from you than they will from your peers. The reputation and standing of this school will be in your hands. Choosing BYU Law generates important opportunities and important responsibilities. 2. Take time to make friends, foster relationships, and be social. The individuals you surround yourself with for the next three years are just about the only people who will really understand the experience you are about to have. Support and strength come in numbers, and at the end of the day, the more friends you have on your side, the better off you will be. Don’t ignore this important part of the law school experience; it will pay dividends to your future legal career.
What should a 1L expect in the coming year?
Expect to grow more than you ever have before, and not just intellectually. Undoubtedly, each BYU Law student leaves the school knowing more about the law than they did before. The hope, though, is that each student will learn more about themselves than they knew before as well. A legal education at BYU Law focuses not just on the ability of each individual to learn something, but also on the individual’s potential to be something. It takes work for an individual to capitalize on that ability and potential. So, expect to grow, but expect to work for it. The truth is, the harder you work, the more you grow.What was the most challenging part about 1L year? How can 1L's work through these kind of challenges?
Surprisingly, the most challenging part about the 1L year for me was not the final exams or the dreaded curve. I felt prepared for each exam and confident that the curve would be in my favor. But, when I learned that the curve did not play into my favor, I wasn’t as disappointed as I expected. What became the most challenging part for me was watching the "pedestalizing" effect of grades. At one point, I started buying into the rhetoric that grades are what matters in law school, and if I didn’t have great grades, I wasn’t as “successful” of a student. Thankfully, that didn’t last long. I soon realized that despite my upsetting performance on exams, I had performed extremely well in other areas of law school that mattered just as much to me. In both 1L competitions I advanced to the final stages of competition, farther than I had expected. My performance in competitions completely overshadowed the results of my exams, and that was perfectly fine for me. I learned that even if my test-taking abilities were somewhat subpar, my performance in competitions was far above average.
Just because you might not “succeed” in one area of law school doesn’t mean you’ve failed the experience altogether. Play to your strengths, knowing that you are one of the only students who have them.
Based on what you've learned, what would you advise 1L's to do differently than you did during 1L year?
If I could have done one thing differently in 1L year, it would have been to set a firm schedule. When I started school, I had a loose idea for when I wanted to do things--I did what I wanted to, when I wanted to. That was a mistake. Instead of walking into each day without a plan, I should have determined exactly what I needed to get done that day and prioritized that against what I wanted to get done that day. It’s amazing how much time you can save and how much headache you can avoid by telling yourself that you will focus on one thing for a specific time period.
What fears and misconceptions did you have about law school when you started?
From day one, the buzz around my 1L class was who would be “cold called” that day. Some of us feared cold calling more than others, but all of us had major misconceptions about that experience. I’ll share a few of those.
Advice from Jesse Houchens, 2L

What three pieces of advice would you give a 1L?
1. Read 1L of a Ride by Professor Andrew McClurg and Getting to Maybe: How to Excel on Law School Exams by Professors Richard Michael Fischl and Jeremy Paul. Follow their advice about briefing, class preparation, and outline writing. 2. As a former teacher of mine said: "just reading is not just reading." Critically engage with the material you are studying. That is, never just read a case, but think about the principles and policies it is intended to teach you and why you are learning them. There is always some way to disagree with an opinion. Figure out its weaknesses.
What should a 1L expect in the coming year?
You should expect, first and foremost, to have a lot of fun learning the law. As far as academic fields go, the law is an extraordinarily interesting one given its technicalities, nuances, and practical applications. Next, you should expect that you will have very intelligent people in your class and that you will develop great relationships with them. Third, you should expect that you will be disappointed with your performance. While no one should feel disappointed, I can't think of a single person who did not wish they did better in a particular class.What was the most challenging part about 1L year? How can 1L's work through these kind of challenges?
The most challenging part of the 1L year for me was the high anxiety levels that law school induces. To combat this anxiety, I made sure to make time for activities that were not law school related; e.g., dates with my wife, a run, cross-country skiing, a half-marathon, cello practice, serving my neighbor, and leading nursery. These activities consistently reminded me that there is more to life than the evaluation I will receive at the end of each semester.
Based on what you've learned, what would you advise 1L's to do differently than you did during 1L year?
- Keep up with your outlines. There is nothing more intimidating than catching up on 6 weeks of material on a Saturday.
- Be realistic about what you know. The class you feel most comfortable in will likely be your worst grade.
- Work frequently and consistently with your TA and writing professor. I incorrectly over-estimated my writing abilities my first semester and doing so significantly hurt my GPA. The next semester, I met frequently and consistently with my TA and writing professor and was able to do much better.
What fears and misconceptions did you have about law school when you started?
I think every person has some anxiety about grades in law school. Even if they do not speak about it, it is a very real pressure and can be difficult to forget. My number one recommendation is to focus your time on learning the material to the best of your abilities and do not get caught in the grade gossip. There will be classmates who end up in the top 10 having spent less than 50 hrs/week on their schoolwork. There will also be classmates who put in 80+ hours/week and won't even end up in the top 1/3. In the end, keep balance in your life and make sure you are developing relationships while you are in law school. There are so many factors beyond effort, alone, that influence a person's grades. Further, there are still plenty of jobs if you happen to end up in the lower portion of your class. Be adaptable and choose to love what you're doing.Advice to Spiritually Survive:
1. Pray often for your classmates by name. Law school is a competitive environment and without the reminder that your classmates are also children of Heavenly Father, struggling and striving in their own ways, anxiety can cause ill-feelings toward one another.
2. Do not forget your neighbor. During my first set of exams, my neighbor was going through a very difficult time and needed about two hours/day of support through friendship and childcare. I am so happy I took time out of my studying to help him. It provided me with a mental break, raised my self-esteem, and kept me humble and grateful for the opportunity to go to law school.
Advice from Shelby Thurgood, 2L

What three pieces of advice would you give a 1L?
- Nearly everyone will be having a difficult experience, so be nice.
- Don't let the competition get to your head. Just focus on doing the best you can.
- If you want a parking spot in the law school lot, don't get to the school after 9:30 am.
What was the most challenging part about 1L year? How can 1L's work through these kind of challenges?

Based on what you've learned, what would you advise 1L's to do differently than you did during 1L year?
Try to stress less about the little things and enjoy the experience more.
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