What if you had the power to increase your odds of success by six times? Whitney Johnson, innovation and disruption theorist, taught BYU Law students at a Law & Leadership lecture the power of disrupting yourself through the following seven tips. Johnson explained that “disruptive innovation follows a framework and when you pursue a disruptive course your odds of success are six times higher and your revenue opportunity 20 times greater.”
7 Accelerants of Learning & Growth
- Identify the right risks—find the place for you to play where no one is playing.
- Play to individuals’ distinctive strengths—we tend to overvalue what we’re not and undervalue what we are. Discovering our real strengths allows us to be in a place where we can truly thrive.
- Embrace constraints—constraints force you to innovate and create.
- Battle against entitlement—while recognizing your strengths, don’t assume you deserve something because staying comfortable keeps you from disrupting.
- Step back to grow—“Think of a slingshot: it creates forward impetus with a backward pull.”
- Give failure its due—If you ditch the shame that comes from failure, you will be free to make mistakes and grow.
- Be discovery-driven—with each new discovery you make about yourself, be willing to alter your plan.
Learn more about her books Build an A-Team: Play to Their Strengths and Lead Them Up the Learning Curve and Disrupt Yourself™: Putting the Power of Disruptive Innovation to Work through https://whitneyjohnson.com/books/.
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