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Nicole Black Speaks on Artificial Intelligence and the Practice of Law

How is technology impacting the practice of law? Nicole Black, attorney and legal technology evangelist at MyCase addressed this question in a presentation to students and faculty at the Future of Law Lecture Series. Black discussed how the confluence of advancements in many areas of technology are automating and streamlining essential legal tasks and forecasted […]

Ivy Grey Speaks on Technology Competence and Ethics

Ivy Grey, vice president of strategy and business development for WordRake and legal tech entrepreneur, opened this semester’s Future of Law Lecture Series. Grey made a compelling case for technology competency among lawyers and challenged students to consider the connection between the efficient use of technology and the responsibility lawyers have to ethically serve their […]

Judge Thomas B. Griffith: Pursuing a Life in the Legal Profession as a Latter-day Saint

Judge Thomas B. Griffith, of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, recently spoke with BYU Law students, sharing insights from his legal career and reflecting on ways his membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has impacted his professional life. After attending BYU for his undergraduate […]

Jonathan McClurg Wins Essay Contest on Dispute Resolution

Each year the James B. Boskey Competition invites law students across the United States to submit original essays on a current alternative dispute resolution. The purpose of the competition is to create greater interest in the field and students may address any aspect of dispute resolution practice, theory, or research. Past winners have come from […]

How Carla Swensen-Haslam’s Upbringing Has Shaped Her BYU Law Experience

“My 2L year has been so busy,” Carla Swensen-Haslam said with a laugh. Her voice tinged with a hint of exasperation. “It’s my own fault, though. I’m taking 18 credits while working on contract with a law firm and calling sports.” She took a second to breathe. “But I love it. I really, really love […]

BYU Law Student Works with Women in Uganda to Improve Village Life

In June, Melissa Jo (MJ) Townsend (2L) joined Professor Brigham Daniels on a trip to Uganda to work closely with several villages surrounding Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.  As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bwindi is a protected cultural area that  is inhabited by approximately 350 endangered mountain gorillas. The park was also once home to […]

Jessica Volmar Provides Legal Counsel During Frankfurt Externship

With an interest in accounting and finances, Jessica Volmar (1L) was pleased to find an externship opportunity with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Frankfurt, Germany, one of Europe’s major financial centers. Volmar externed with the Church’s Office of the General Counsel, which oversees all of Europe’s Church-related legal matters. The Office’s […]

McKinney Voss Joins Clinical Negligence Team on London Externship

Upon completing her first year at BYU Law, McKinney Voss (1L) looked forward to beginning her summer externship in London. “I hope to practice law internationally … so London seemed like the perfect place to start making connections and gaining experience,” Voss explained. Voss has been externing at Devonshires Solicitors, a 175-year-old mid-size law firm […]

Milestone Minute: Developing Cross-Cultural Competency with Michalyn Steele

Cross-cultural competence is critical for lawyers to be able to listen, understand, and respond with empathy in communicating with our clients, our colleagues, and our communities. Cross-cultural competence means we are aware of our own cultural assumptions and are more sensitive to the cultural differences that may exist with others.  To be effective advocates, we […]

Simone Aldredge Impresses with Initiative Taken at Cisco Systems

As Simone Aldredge (2L) was looking forward to summer externship opportunities, she knew that she wanted to gain in-house experience, be exposed to multiple areas of law practice, and learn more about the tech industry. This summer, Aldredge is externing in the legal department at Cisco Systems, Inc. in San Jose, CA. She is currently […]

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