JD To Be

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The Vital Role of Women in Public Service

Panel organized by BYU Law’s Government & Politics Legal Society and Women in Law More women should seek public office. They’re good at it. This was the consensus of Wednesday’s panel of distinguished public servants, which included Becky Edwards, former Utah state representative, Tracy Nuttall, Project Elect board member, Brooke Gledhill Wood, ’22, of The […]

Mallorie Mecham and Sam Stoddard: Leveraging Tech in Your Legal Career

“Technology isn’t coming for you!” Sam Stoddard, cofounder and CEO of legal software company SimpleCitizen, assured BYU Law students. He joined Mallorie Mecham, ‘18, an associate at immigration law firm Fragomen, in championing the integration of technology into the practice of law. Both were eager to demonstrate how technology adopters become more efficient, effective attorneys. […]

Greg Slater – Chip Wars: Impact of Geopolitics on Technology Policy and the Law

The US and China are in an intense battle for technology supremacy, and semiconductors are at the center of the war. “If you were advising a tech company, how would you help them navigate US-China relations?” Greg Slater, ‘90, vice president and senior director of global regulatory affairs for Intel, posed this question to BYU […]

Honored Alumni Steven W. Bennett: “The World Needs Doers!”

“Just move forward into the unknown!” Steven W. Bennett (’90), founder Salt Lake City law firm Bennett Tueller Johnson & Deere, urged students at this year’s BYU Law’s Honored Alumni Lecture. Bennett reflected on how making decisions and taking action have benefitted both his career and personal life and he offered students four objectives to […]

The Honorable Patrick J. Bumatay: The Value of Dissent

“Judicial opinions shouldn’t be boring!” insisted Judge Patrick J. Bumatay of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. His remarks as BYU Law’s Jurist in Residence focused on the value of incisive, powerful dissenting opinions in shaping Constitutional dialogue, future jurisprudence, and legislation. Judge Bumatay championed the essential role of dissenting opinions in improving the law, […]

New Endowed Trial Advocacy Scholarship Honoring James and Susan Parkinson

“You just heard more words from me than I spoke during law school,” admitted BYU Law charter class member and venerable trial attorney James W. Parkinson after captivating the packed moot courtroom for one of the Law School’s 50th Anniversary lectures. It’s hard to imagine Parkinson at a loss for words. He’s a brilliant raconteur. […]

BYU Law 50th Anniversary: Celebrating the Life and Example of Rex E. Lee

BYU Law kicked off its 50th Anniversary celebration with Professor Thomas R. Lee and Janet Lee Chamberlain—son and wife of BYU Law’s first dean, Rex. E. Lee—sharing memories from the founding of the Law School and Lee’s tenure as dean, as Solicitor General of the United States, and as president of Brigham Young University. Chamberlain […]

Stand Ins: The Causes and Consequences of Temporary Leadership

For BYU Law’s annual lecture honoring former BYU Law dean Bruce C. Hafen (1985-89), we welcomed Anne O’Connell, the Adelbert H. Sweet Professor of Law and at Stanford Law School and Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. She shed light on why acting, unconfirmed “stand ins” are leading so many federal […]

Technology and The Lawyer’s Craft

“QR codes are like blind dates! You don’t find out until it’s too late that you’ve been taken to a website with malware – you’ve got to trust the source,” warned Professor Nick Hafen (’19), the Law School’s new Head of Legal Technology Education. Hafen was a member of the first cohort of students participating […]

A Lawyer’s Duty of Tech Competence

For the March 2023 Future of Law Forum, BYU Law welcomed Robert Ambrogi, “Godfather of Legal Tech,” and award-winning legal blogger (LawSites) and podcaster (LawNext). Ambrogi observed that the legal industry is undergoing more technology-driven change than ever before and insisted that lawyers must actively maintain their tech competency in order to effectively serve their […]

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